An all-optical universal logic gate has been developed under the scientific guidance of the VYZOV Prize laureate

22 августа 2024 13:18
Scientists from Skoltech and the University of Wuppertal (Germany), under the scientific guidance of Pavlos Lagoudakis, Vice President for Photonics at Skoltech, laureate of the VYZOV Prize for Future Technologies, have developed an All-optical universal gate based on polaritons. 

These logic gates are cascadable. It brings scientists closer to the creation of a fully optical computer that operates much faster than electronic analogues. 

The findings of this research have been published in Nature Communications. 

The authors of the work Denis Sannikov (in the left photo) and Anton Putintsev (in the lower right photo on the left) in the Laboratory of Hybrid Photonics of the Center for Photonics and Photonic Technologies of Skoltech. Source: Anton Putintsev.
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