Applications have been accepted for consideration
All 594 applications
submitted for the VYZOV Prize for future technologies in 2024 have been
accepted for consideration. You can track the status of the application in your
personal account on the VYZOV website: vyzovprize.com
If the
status of application has not changed, then you can contact the organizers of
the Prize at the email address specified in your personal account.
selection of the best applications will be carried out by the members of the
Scientific Committee of the VYZOV Prize according to the established criteria.
Applications are considered only from actively working scientists, the focus is
on the work of the last 10 years. Find out more about the evaluation criteria
in the Prize regulations on the VYZOV website.
The names
of the Prize winners will be announced at the Award Ceremony, which will be
held at the Manege (Moscow) on December 19, 2024. You can watch the teaser of the ceremony, that
took place last year on the VYZOV Prize YouTube channel.
Recall that
the Prize fund for the 2024 VYZOV Prize has increased to 55 million rubles.