28 февраля 2024 18:56

The Awards Ceremony for the Znanie Prize laureates was held at the Russia International Exhibition and Forum on February 26. Artem Oganov, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the VYZOV Prize, Head of Computational Materials Discovery Laboratory at Skoltech, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, won the award in two categories: "For Overall Contribution to Education" and "For Contribution to Education in Science and Technologies". 

Znanie Prize is the country’s main educational award, established by the Russian Society "Znanie" in 2021 to recognize the achievements of educators, lecturers, authors, bloggers, science popularizers and other educators, as well as to honor educational projects and enterprises in various fields.

"Ultimately, the linchpin for the country’s future and the succession of its development lies in ensuring that young people possess steadfast life principles. It is imperative that they wholeheartedly embrace our traditional values, draw inspiration from the best masterpieces of Russian and global culture and literature, as well as the achievements made in science and education. And of course, they should know the history of their country and the names of genuine heroes and creators," said President of Russia Vladimir Putin in his video address to the participants of the Znanie Society Awards ceremony.

More than 18,000 applications were submitted for the award. The laureates were selected by the honorary jury as well as by popular vote in which over 120,000 people cast their votes. The 2023 Prize went to 15 educators, 10 projects, and 1 company. Artem Oganov received his award from Sergei Kiriyenko, First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office of the Russian Federation, and Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

"I am very pleased to become laureate in two categories of the Znanie Society award at once: "For Overall Contribution to Education" and "For Contribution to Education in Science and Technologies". I think that prizes are very important, but in my opinion, scientific and educational activities themselves are even more important than the awards for them. However, when your achievements are recognized, it serves as a certain reference point that shows whether you are following the right path of development and where you have room for improvement. It empowers and motivates to move forward," Artem Oganov said.

Artem Oganov has published over 300 research papers and is one of Russia's most cited scientists. He regularly gives public lectures often accompanied by experiments. His book Chemistry with Artem Oganov received the 2023 For Loyalty to Science Award and was sold out within a year. Artem Oganov's educational efforts have been recognized by multiple awards, and he also actively participates in identifying talented scientists who have contributed to the development of future technologies by serving as the Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the VYZOV Prize.

The VYZOV National Prize for Future Technologies is timed to coincide with the Decade of Science and Technology in Russia and is designed to acknowledge breakthrough ideas and inventions that are changing the landscape of modern science and the lives of all people. The Prize is sponsored by the VYZOV Foundation for the Development of Scientific and Cultural Relations together with Gazprombank with support of the Government of Moscow.

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